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couple signing paperwork - Enduring Power of Attorney

How to protect your Enduring Power of Attorney from misuse

What is an Enduring Power of Attorney? An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) appoints a person, or persons, to make legal and financial decisions on your behalf once you have lost the mental capacity to make these decisions on your own due to a serious illness or injury. If your EPOA is not explicit in… Read More

Property Easement - Image of stakes in green lawn

What is a Property Easement?

A property easement grants the right to owners of certain lots to use part of someone else’s land for a specific purpose, without awarding possession. Without an easement an individual can be made liable for trespass or causing a private nuisance. As such, easements are created and registered on title to protect people from unlawful… Read More

The Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement - Image of a woman signing paperwork and wedding bands are in the foreground

The Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement

In 2021, there were 56,244 divorces granted in Australia – the highest number of divorces recorded since 1976. With this apparent increase in separations, it is important to prepare for any eventuality before entering into a marriage or de-facto relationship. One such precaution is to enter into a prenuptial agreement, or prenup, which ensures that your… Read More

Image of an employee at a cafe - working on public holidays

Requesting Employees to Work on Public Holidays

On 28 March 2023, the Federal Court ruled in Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union v OS MCAP Pty Ltd [2023] FCAFC 51 that employers must notify employees that they “have the option to either accept or reject a request to work on a public holiday.” This judgement was made against OS MCAP Pty… Read More

First home buyer

First Home Buyer Choice: What you need to know

The rate of young first home buyers has declined in New South Wales as buyers take more time to save funds for transfer duties (also known as stamp duty). Despite this, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2021) indicates a 10-year national 72% capital gain on property prices. These high property prices, coupled with significant transfer… Read More