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Collaborative Law – a new approach to Family Law

Collaborative Law – a new approach to Family Law

Collaborative law is a new approach used to resolve legal disputes, particularly in relation to Family Law. Collaborative law has many benefits of cooperation, mutual outcomes and sustained relationships in comparison to traditional approaches of litigation. Collaborative lawyers are qualified lawyers with training and experience in dispute resolution and facilitation processes. This article will outline… Read More

property settlement after separation

The Five Step Approach to Property Settlement after Separation

One of the fundamental issues which require addressing during the process of a breakdown of marriage or de-facto relationship is the subject of a ‘property settlement’. A property settlement is an arrangement which is made between the separating parties when dividing assets, liabilities and financial resources (such as a trust, bank deposits or future inheritance)…. Read More

Defamation on Social media - looking at phone

Defamation – Be Careful What You Say On Social Media

Not many people are aware of the risks associated with posting on social media. Popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are not safe spaces to vent your thoughts. In fact in a recent defamation case, the defendant was ordered to pay a staggering amount in damages for his post on Twitter. In… Read More

how to protect your assets during a financial crisis

Protecting Your Assets During a Financial Crisis

Disclaimer: The directives in this article relating to the COVID-19 pandemic may no longer be in force. Please use caution if you are citing legislative material from this article as laws are subject to change. We recommend that you seek the most up-to-date law. This article has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is… Read More